My 16 Week Fitness Challenge



On July 16th of this year, I started a 16-week fitness challenge.  I had no idea what I was getting into, I just knew I needed to intentionally invest in my health daily.

Lifestyle Changes

This challenge helped me learn more about myself than any other fitness routine I have done. I pushed myself harder than I ever had before. I am so thankful for the community that was apart of this challenge. Watching others dream and achieve in the Facebook group was an amazing inspiration throughout the process.

“If you want to go fast, go alone, but if you want to go far, go with friends.”

This challenge is a perfect example of this. I could have easily skated by with simple workouts and not truly challenged myself. Seeing others push hard day in and day out inspired me.

My goals were simple. I wanted overall improvement in my health and physical shape. I wanted to be able to run a mile without feeling like my chest would explode. I wanted to do 10 pushups in a row without collapsing afterward, I wanted to be better. I chose to work out four days a week. Three days of resistance and body weight exercises and one day of a cardio burn out. I missed some days, I didn’t have a perfect workout every time but I enjoyed fueling my body with fitness.

16 week transformation

I am ending this challenge with pride knowing that I gave it my very best and I have room for more improvement! I am excited knowing that challenge is over but I have more to look forward to in my fitness and health journey.  I feel stronger and better in my skin. I actually feel skinny. My original goal was only to improve my health and skills but I have gained so much more. I approached food in a whole new way. I learned how to balance my eating so that I was not restricting myself but instead fueling my body with foods I love. (Read more about that here.)  I want to help others through the growth and empowerment that comes from completing this challenge. I can’t wait to start another one.

Want to join me?

I am so ready to link arms and share this amazing lifestyle with others. Let’s do it. Join me on my Facebook Page to learn more.




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